Tuesday 8 May 2007


I havent updated the page in a while due to copious amounts of sowing seeds, buying and erecting greenhouses and raised beds etc. I now have three 6 x 4ft plastic greenhouses.

I now have in my raised beds - broad beans (in flower), peas (starting to flower), pak choi and spinach. I have beds ready and waiting for my calabrese and lettuce plants due in the next few weeks.

The spuds are coming along great, I can't earth them up quick enough.

I have some more broad beans coming along nicely in the greenhouse along with some dwarf runner beans and dwarf french beans.

The tomatoes, chilli's and peppers are also coming along nicely in a mini greenhouse.

I have just sown mini caulis, turnips, beetroot and carrots. I am trying my best to get my parsnips going but I am having problems. I have planted out some cabbage seedlings and some radishes.

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