Saturday 26 May 2007

Work, Work, Work

Well the work seems never ending there is always something to do.

The greenhouses are now full of
Greenhouse 1 at the back of the garden - french beans, courgettes, and tomatoes in pots , seed trays with herbs.
Greenhouse 2 at the side near the fence - onions in pots, leeks in pots, tomatoes and courgettes.
Greenhouse 3 near the fence - french beans, courgettes and tomatoes in pots.

The french beans and courgettes will eventually have their pots put outside probably in a couple of weeks when there is little chance of frost. This will then make room for the chillis and peppers growing away in the mini greenhouses along with the tomatoes I havent yet potted on.

The broad beans and peas are doing great and already the peas have lots of flowers on and lots of pods forming. The broad beans seem to be a little slower this year but are full of flowers and there are some pods forming (come on bees get a move on).

I have finally got some parsnips germinated and they are in root trainers on the living room windowsill (hoping to move them to a greenhouse later in the week).

I have some minipop sweetcorn growing in the mini greenhouse next to the house and have just added some normal sweetcorn plants bought today and two aubergine plants.

The potatoes are growing like wildfire and a few have flower buds forming. Most are now earthed up to the top of their polypots but the maincrop maris piper still have a way to go as they are in old 80L compost bags.

Still waiting for my lettuce plants to arrive from Dobies and hopefully they should be here within the next couple of weeks.

I have had to buy some organic slug pellets as I am losing the battle against the slugs/snails.

Tuesday 8 May 2007


I havent updated the page in a while due to copious amounts of sowing seeds, buying and erecting greenhouses and raised beds etc. I now have three 6 x 4ft plastic greenhouses.

I now have in my raised beds - broad beans (in flower), peas (starting to flower), pak choi and spinach. I have beds ready and waiting for my calabrese and lettuce plants due in the next few weeks.

The spuds are coming along great, I can't earth them up quick enough.

I have some more broad beans coming along nicely in the greenhouse along with some dwarf runner beans and dwarf french beans.

The tomatoes, chilli's and peppers are also coming along nicely in a mini greenhouse.

I have just sown mini caulis, turnips, beetroot and carrots. I am trying my best to get my parsnips going but I am having problems. I have planted out some cabbage seedlings and some radishes.